Sustainable salon management

This course includes modules on the basics of climate change and explains sustainable salon management with tips and tricks.

What you can expect

Our training course system enables you to acquire knowledge and skills in the important areas of climate change and sustainability in a professional environment:

Course I consists of two modules. Modules 1 and 2 provide you with knowledge about climate change and its impact on our healthcare system. They also give you lots of specific tips on how you can work sustainably in your professional environment and at home and save a lot of money at the same time.

Course II will be online shortly. This course consists of two modules and is dedicated to the topic of "Crisis and resilience". The effects of climate change on our healthcare system and our entire society will place demands and risks on you and your team. The course content explains which problems need to be solved now and in the future and provides lots of specific tips and support for overcoming crises of all kinds. 

Further courses will be available shortly with lots of important information and practical tips. Our training courses are designed to continuously expand your knowledge and skills so that you are always optimally positioned. Our courses are constantly being expanded and updated. So you are always up to date.

Welcome to our courses! We look forward to working with you to combat climate change.


Dr. med. Dipl. Biol. Susanne Saha

Specialist in dermatology, Chairwoman of the AG Sustainability in Dermatology e.V. (AGN)

Dr. med. Christina Hecker

Specialist in dermatology, Chairwoman of the AG Sustainability in Dermatology e.V. (AGN)

This course contains

Costs: 60€

Here you can apply for your company to cover the costs. 

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The modules at a glance

Module 1 - Basics of climate change and sustainable salon management

This course includes modules on the basics of climate change and explains sustainable salon management with tips and tricks.

Module 2 - Sustainable working methods in the beauty salon

After a summary of other aspects of the climate crisis, new measures for sustainable salon management will be presented.